After having a successful 2019 calendar of Events, 2020 was set to be even bigger and better for locals and visitors.
2020 got off to a great start with acts Judge Jules and Bad Manners already performing at the De Valence Pavilion before the end of February. Next to come was ‘Robert Plants’ sold-out show ‘Saving Grace’ and the De Valence had then arranged (with the help of Templeton Beer wine & Spirit and Upton Farm Frozen Foods) a free evening of entertainment for all the local Emergency Services and NHS staff/volunteers to say thank you for their hard work to keep the community safe. Little did we know that their services would become ever more paramount with what was about to come!
Unfortunately, we were unable to hold this event as these services were about to be put to their limits as the first Covid-19 restrictions started to take place. Once normal service resumes and the climate allows, we will strive to put this event back on for the much deserving services that keep our community safe.
During this same period, we had been very grateful to hear that our application for Pembrokeshire County Council Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant had been successful to help forward our ongoing work to improve the facilities at the Pavilion.
Over the years we have strived to update and improve all aspects of the De Valence to make sure that we can accommodate locals and visitors to having a first-class venue within Tenby.
All profits generated had been put back in the building and many hours of hard work gone in to improve the quality and carbon footprint of the building.
The Pavilion has been getting ever more popular with well-known acts such as Craig Charles, Martin Kemp and the Shires. The De Valence Pavilion is becoming a great local attraction for everyone with popular act such as Welsh wrestling and Films4Tenby.
To further facilitate the ever-growing demand for the use of the Pavilion it was decided that we should apply for our very first grant application to help finish the technical update of audio and theatre lighting. Already starting with the project back in 2016 the Pavilion had already put in over £50,000 of profit generated funds into repairing the ever-failing audio and lighting system and could no longer carry forward the project as funds had to also be used to update many other parts of the building.
Now with the help of the Pembrokeshire County Council Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant and a year late in starting (Due to Covid-19) the De Valence Pavilion is finally pleased to say that we are a first class technical up to date facility, as work has now begun!
Ar ôl cael blwyddyn llwyddiannus yn 2019, roedd 2020 yn edrych fel blwyddyn fwyaf a well i’r bobl leol ac ymwelwyr.
Cafodd 2020 dechrau wych gyda diddanwyr fel ‘Judge Jules’ a ‘Bad Manners’ pwy oedd wedi perfformio cyn y diwedd o Chwefror. Nesaf i ddod roedd ‘Robert Plants’ yn ei sioe ‘Saving Grace’ ac roedd y De Valence wedi trefnu (gyda help wrth Templeton Beer wine & Spirit and Upton Farm Frozen Foods) noson ddi-draul o ddyfrwch i’r holl bobl leol sydd yn gweithio mewn Gwasanaethau Brys a Staff/gwirfoddolwyr yr NHS i ddweud diolch am holl o’r ei’r gwaith caled i gadw y gymuned yn ddiogel. Fodd bynnag, nid oeddwn yn gwybod bod gwaeth nhw yn mynd i ddod yn fwyaf pwysig na erioed!
Yn anffodus, nid oeddem ni gallu cael noson hwyl i’r gwasanaethau brys na’r NHS achos roedd y gwasanaethau a’r NHS yn ddechrau’n gweithio caled ar ôl i’r pandemig Covid-19 wedi dechrau. Pan mae’n ddiogel, byddwn yn cael y noson i’r gwasanaethau pwysig i ddweud diolch am gadw ein cymuned ddiogel.
Yn ystod yr un amser i glywed bod ein cais i Pembrokeshire County Council Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant wedi bod yn lwyddiannus! Bydd y grant yn helpu ni gwella cyfleusterau yn y Pavilion.
Dros y flynedd, rydyn ni wedi sicrhau moderneiddio a gwella pob rhannau o’r De Valence i gwneud yn siŵr bod ni’n gallu cynorthwyo pawb ac yn rhoi ansawdd uchaf yn y lleoliad yn Ninbych-y-pysgod.
Bydd yr elwau i gyd yn mynd nôl i’r busnes a’r oriau dirifedi o waith caled sydd wedi gwneud yr adeilad yn well ac i wella holion-traed carbon y busnes.
Mae’r Pavilion yn dod mwyaf poblogaidd na erioed achos rydyn ni wedi cael diddanwyr fel Craig Charles, Martin Kemp a’r Shires.
​Mae’r De Valence Pavilion yn dod atyniad lleol gwych i bawb gyda diddanwyr poblogaidd fel Welsh Wrestling a Films4Tenby.
I hwyluso ymhellach y poblogrwydd y Pavilion, roeddwn ni wedi penderfynu cyflwyno cais cyntaf am grant i helpu gwella y dechnoleg sain a goleuo. Dechreuon ni gyda’r prosiect yn 2016 a cyn hynny rydyn ni wedi rhoi £50,000 o elw nol i help wella y dechnoleg yn yr adeilad.
Nawr, gyda help wrth y Pembrokeshire County Council Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant mae’r De Valence Pavilion yn falch o ddweud rydyn ni wedi cael technoleg anhygoel, ac mae llawer o waith wedi dechrau i wella popeth!